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Can Stress Really Cause Acne Breakouts On the Body in Adults?
Can you get acne from stress? Can hormonal acne pills help pimples?
I think one thing that we can agree on is the fact that acne is a stressful experience that can hamper our lives in various ways, but can stress actually cause or make our acne worse? Depending on where you look for information you can find many different answers to this question. Even professional studies can give us results that we are unsure how to properly understand.
Usually when something plays a factor in increasing the level of acne problems that someone has it is directly related to the increased sebum (oil) levels in someone’s skin. Interestingly this study (read here) showed an increase in pimples but not in sebum levels. This is what leaves scientists baffled as to how and why there is an increase in acne from elevated stress levels.
When we are stressed our body releases a chemical named cortisol which has numerous effects on our body and may also effect our skin health but there have not been any studies in this regard to verify this thought.It could be hypothesized that stress could actually help decrease acne breakouts because increased cortisol levels hinder testosterone levels which are directly associated with acne flare ups as increased androgen levels are known to increase sebum levels in our skin which have a direct correlation with acne issues.
Does stress have a link to acne?
If stress has a link to acne, but that link is not associated with sebum levels what is the link between stress and acne? At this point the only thing we can do is guess until more studies are hopefully completed is speculate at possible reasons why these findings occurred.
One possibility is that there is no actual link between acne and stress and that this study may have an unknown variable that is throwing off the results. One possibility is that because all of the students being tested were about to take exams it can be expected that they probably shared other behaviors that could have thrown off the results of the study.
How do Hormonal Pills for Acne Work?
Hormonal acne pills can come in the form of supplements that can help regulate our hormones to prevent pimples like fish oil, evening primrose oil, and essential oils. Supplement stacks like Acnetame which contain powerful ingredients that are formulated for hormonal blemishes. Some ingredients like NAC, Vitamin A, and Co-Q10 help detoxify, improved skin elasticity, and regulate our blood sugar levels which is a cause of how hormones fluctuate.
Best Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment Products for Adults 2013: Acnetame
Best Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment Products for Adults 2013: Acnetame
One of the best natural hormonal acne treatment supplements for adults 2013 has given us is Acnetame, and people have started to spread the word about this highly effective supplement. It is unlike any other acne cure out on the market, mainly because it is a supplement that is focused on getting rid of hormonal acne from the inside out. Having a problem with hormonal blemishes ruining your look? Here’s the honest review that will tell you why this is one of the best acne pills for adults 2013 has to offer.
It’s Natural
If you are dealing with hormonal pimples, the very worst thing that you can do is pump more lab-made chemicals into your body, especially since you don’t really know what they can do to your overall health after a couple of years of use. This vitamin supplement is made out of all natural ingredients that are known to be safe for human consumption in both the short and long term. Expect to have less breakouts, and way less chances of nasty side effects.
This Supplement Is Effective
You don’t end up making lists titled “Best Natural Hormonal Acne Treatment Products for Adults 2013” without actually being able to deliver the kind of results that people want. There are many, many customers who have written to the reps at Acnetame extolling their supplement, and telling them that they have recommended it to all of their friends. This hormonal acne pill is completely comprised of vitamins, minerals, and one amino acid that have scientific backing in terms of their effectiveness when it comes to preventing hormonal breakouts, and there are plenty of testimonials that show that this is true.
It’s Safe For Sensitive Skin
The worst thing that can happen to a person who is looking for a cure for hormonal blemishes is to try out a product only to have it backfire and cause a major breakout. This happens to many people with sensitive skin. People who have naturally sensitive skin love Acnetame, and there’s a good reason for this. Unlike most other pimple products, which contain potentially irritating chemicals and ingredients, it is a simple OTC supplement for acne that does not involve you touching your face in any way, shape or form. Since it is an over the counter supplement that is meant to even out hormones and improve your overall health as well, Acnetame will not cause your skin to become overly oily or overly dry.
Great skin is an amazing trait to have naturally, but sometimes we all need a little boost with the right supplement. For those of us who weren’t blessed with naturally gorgeous, flawless skin, using one of the best acne treatment products for adults 2013 buyers can get is one of the easiest ways to attain it. Right now is the best time to get Acnetame, and you can buy it at Amazon, or through their site at Snag your bottle today!
5 Foods and OTC Vitamins that Help Skin and Hormonal Acne | Acne Remedies That Really Work
These 5 foods and vitamins are natural acne remedies that really work which can help improve your skin and prevent hormonal acne.
Natural foods as well as over the counter supplements and vitamins to help hormonal acne are very underused as Western society has led us to believe that in order to treat a skin issue we must take some sort of antibiotic or drug. It is actually the exact opposite as eating natural foods and supplementing vitamins are great remedies that really work for preventing hormonal breakouts and helping us stay healthy as it has been shown that diet is correlated to acne.
1. Almonds
Almonds are a great snack to munch on to prevent acne breakouts and keep us looking young. Almonds are rich in in the mineral Selenium which has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage. It also gives the skin it’s firmness and elasticity.
It has been shown that when Selenium is obtained through food it can help reduce sun damage. The content of this mineral in food is determined based on location and soil conditions with the Pacific Northwest and Eastern Coastal Plan having the lowest levels of selenium. Whole foods are the best sources of Selenium as the mineral is depleted during refining processes.
Taking too much Selenium however can cause side effects including bad breath, fever, nausea, kidney, liver, and heart problems. These OTC vitamin supplements are also associated with a risk of skin cancer so people who already have a high risk of it should not take Selenium supplements.
Other natural food sources of Selenium
- beef and poultry
- whole grains
- mushrooms
- eggs
- nuts – brazil nuts, walnuts
- fresh saltwater fish – cod, herring, red snapper, tuna
2. Salmon
Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are important for skin, heart, joint, and brain health. These Omega-3 fatty acids help the effectiveness of the cell membrane as they allow water and nutrients in while keeping toxins out. Just like Selenium in almonds, Omega-3 fatty acids help give elasticity and firmness too. Not only do they do this but because Omega-3s reduce inflammation throughout the body it is very likely that fewer breakouts will occur.
Other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids
- fish – anchovies, herring, mackerel (not king)
- flaxseeds
- walnuts
- soybeans
Many people do not get the adequate amount of Omega-3 fatty acids from diet alone as the Western diet includes trans fats rather than good fats like Omega-3s. A skin cancer study showed that people who ate a diet rich in Omega-3s like fish oil had a 29 percent lower risk of squamous cell cancer than those who did not eat a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
Symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency
- fatigue
- poor memory
- depression
- mood swings
- dry skin
- poor circulation
- weak immune system
3. Strawberries
Strawberries are also great for healthy skin and a healthy immune system because they do not contain much sugar per serving but do contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a role in collagen production and protects against cell damage from free radicals. It is a water soluble vitamin that can not be synthesized by the body so every day it must be restored by eating fruits and vegetables and also taking a Vitamin C supplement. Since it is water soluble, any excess of this vitamin will be excreted out through urine.
Symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency
It is very common for people to have a deficiency in Vitamin C because the common diet lacks the sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables their body should be getting.
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Sudden weight loss
- Bruising
- Dry body including hair and nails
- Infections
There is a really great documentary about nutrition called “Food Matters” that I recommend checking out. One of the scenes talks about how Vitamin C is the cure for treating cancer.
4. Avocados
Avocados contain the wrinkle fighting antioxidant Vitamin E which is the most powerful antioxidant for our body. Vitamin E helps us stay smooth, hydrated and reduces inflammation. Our bodies can not synthesize or naturally produce Vitamin E which makes getting it from different sources is very important. Deficiency in this vitamin is rare but is more likely to happen to people who have digestive problems, cystic fibrosis, or eat a diet very low in fat.
Other sources of Vitamin E
- nuts
- leafy greens
- eggs
- soybeans
- extra virgin olive oil
- vitamin E supplement
- topical creams
5. Watermelon
Watermelon can help us as it has a high water content of 92%. Foods that have a high water content like watermelon are important for skin health as water helps our skin stay hydrated while also getting rid of toxins. The sugar content of watermelon is only 8% which is another reason why watermelon is a great option to snack on when trying to avoid hormonal acne breakouts.
Watermelon is actually nature’s richest source of lycopene which is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals brought about by U-V rays which cause sunburn and wrinkles. Lycopene can also be beneficial in reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer.
Other foods with high water content
- cucumbers
- oranges
- parsley
- garlic
These are only five of the many foods and vitamins that are out there to help skin and hormonal acne. I have recently started incorporating these foods into my diet after gaining knowledge about the health benefits of them and can say that these acne remedies really work because I have noticed that my skin stays smooth and hormonal acne breakouts do not happen as often or last a long time.
Even though these foods have nutritional value we still have to be conscious of their sugar content as natural sugars are just as bad as refined sugars in large amounts. Adding just one of these foods to your diet will help your skin and prevent or diminish hormonal acne breakouts.