What are the Best OTC Acne Medication Pills that You Can Buy?

otc acne medication pills

Sometimes other pimple treatment methods can do more harm than good, so what are the best over the counter medications for acne that you can buy?

otc acne medication pills

Many men and women look for OTC medications pills for acne like Acnetame, Acnepril, Murad, and Clearzine. Safe, affordable, and readily available these pimple products have been successful with helping people treat their adult and hormonal breakouts.

Acnetame Supplement Facts

best acne medication

Acnetame is not available in stores like Walmart but it can be bought on Amazon and at acnetame.com. It is a natural acne medication pill that you can buy over the counter that contains vitamins, minerals, and one amino acid which have been used by holistic doctors around the world for treating skin issues like pimples. Men, women, and teenagers have had success using this tablet as adults and teens can both experience hormonal fluctuations.

How Big are the Pills and are They Coated?

Each tablet is 935.81mg and is the size of a multi-vitamin. They are not coated and are relatively easy to swallow.

Does This Product Work for Back Acne as Well?

Acnetame works best for hormonal pimples no matter where it is on your body. It will help minimize the size of current blemishes while helping to decrease the amount of new breakouts.

Acnetame Amazon Reviews

This supplement has numerous positive reviews on Amazon and a high rating. Many people love this product because of it’s ability to help oily skin, reduce the size of existing pimples, and prevent new breakouts from occurring.

So here’s the deal, I’m a male approaching my mid-twenties and I have had highly sever cystic acne since I was sixteen. Now when I say sever acne, I mean it. I have taken two courses of accutane, and every possible prescription oral antibiotic, retnoid cream, and OTC topical treatment under the sun. While accutane worked great, as some of you may know, it’s results don’t last longer than 1.5 to 2 years after treatment.

Then I stumble across Acnetame, and holy crap does this stuff work! Not only has it clear up my acne, but it has also allowed me to stop using prescription medicine that can be harmful to your health with long term use (I.e. oral antibiotics). I noticed the results from Acnetame within a couple days, and I couldn’t be more happy with it thus far. Combining this product with a zinc supplement and a descent face wash has proven to give me exceptionally clearer skin.


My 19 year old daughter had great skin all through High School, then suddenly struggled with acne breakouts that didn’t respond to antibiotics or topicals she got from the dermatologist. The next step would’ve been Accutane, but she is a college volleyball player and didn’t like the sounds of the side effects. So, after extensively searching for optional products online, we came across Acnetame and gave it a try. She is mega-dosing with it (3 pills in the am, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 again in the pm), and it has worked perfectly for her!! No side effects, but best of all she is loving her skin!! We figure it’s cheaper than Accutane with the Dr. and lab visits involved, and there are no side effects–just clear skin!

-Julie Jorgensen

Clearzine Acne Pills

clearzine acne pills

Clearzine is not in stores like Walmart but it is on Amazon as well.  Zinc is one ingredient in this product which on it’s own can be a good treatment for some people however it has been shown that Zinc can increase testosterone causing more breakouts as high androgen levels lead to hormone fluctuations and pimples.

Clearzine Review

It is important to know this information before taking Clearzine. Safe dosage of this product is one capsule and there are 60 servings per bottle. Clearzine results depend on your sex, body weight, skin type, and severity of your acne as all people react to supplements differently.

One ingredient in this OTC oily skin pill is Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid. This vitamin is important for reducing the amount of sebum or oil that is produced from our sebaceous glands. We do not have to worry about taking too much Pantothenic Acid because it is a water soluble vitamin so any excess in our body will be safely flushed out.

Acnepril Amazon

acnepril reviews

If you compare Acnepril vs Clearzine you will see that Acnepril does not have as many reviews and has a lower star rating.

Although this is not the case for everyone, some people who have had Acnepril side effects said that it made their face break out worse than before they started taking the tablets while others said that it helped them in the first few weeks.

Is Acnepril Sold In Stores?

You will not find Acnepril sold in stores like Walgreens or CVS as they only sell their product online. An ingredient in Acnepril which can help people prevent new blemishes is dandelion root as it is a diuretic meaning it helps flush excess water out of our system. With excess water we are also flushing out toxins and waste which can build up and cause clogged pores which eventually form into pimples.

Does Murad Acne Pills Work?

murad acne pills

Murad acne medicine contains vitamins and other detoxifying ingredients like Burdock Root. It is a good supplement stack that can help with skin problems but possibly may have some ingredients that may not be necessary.

Some people who have taken Murad acne medication review it as a good product when using a topical and taking other supplements in conjunction with it.

Murad Acne Pills Review

Just like any supplement these pills are going to work for some but not for others. The people that have had success with Murad acne medicine say that while their pimples have not completely gone away it has helped them clear up a lot of old blemishes and their skin is much clearer but people that it didn’t work for say that their skin got much worse while taking the supplement.

Which Acne Medication is the Best for Me?

Acnetame is the best over the counter medication pills for acne as it has the best customer reviews, highest star rating, price, and serving for your money. Most times acne medication otcbreakouts are hormonal as many people are unaware that their diet, lifestyle, and genetics play a role in the development of their pimples and this supplement is specifically designed for hormonal acne.

All supplements affect people differently so what works for one may not work for another. You never know which could work best for your specific skin and blemish type.


Have you tried any of these supplements for your skin? Leave your experiences in the comments below.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Triggers of Acne Rosacea Flare-Ups

rosacea triggers and flare-ups

This infographic shows ten common triggers that cause a rosacea flare-up.


Rosacea is a skin condition where the blood vessels in the skin dilate which gives the skin a flushed appearance. It is most common in people with fair skin including those who are of Scandinavian, English, and Irish backgrounds.

If you have rosacea you know that there are numerous triggers that can cause a flare-up. It is very important to stay away from these triggers or limit our use of them as our skin can feel very uncomfortable during a breakout.

It can be frustrating at first as many triggers are unavoidable like the weather for example however it is possible to take preventative measures to make sure our skin is protected.

What Are The Best Pills for Acne and No Weight Gain That I Can Buy?

best pill for acne and no weight gain


When trying to find the best pill for acne we always want to know the negative side effects that may come along with them; one of those being weight gain.


In order to know which pills are good for preventing pimples without weight gain we must know what they contain and how they can be beneficial for our skin and overall health.
best pill for acne and no weight gain

What Are The Popular Acne Medication Pills?


The Effectiveness of Birth Control


birth control weight gain
Birth control is very common for women to take when they have acne as the blemishes they have are hormonal. Hormonal acne consists of cysts which are sac-like blemishes filled with pus which can be very painful. Other types of hormonal pimples include white bumps which do not pop when they get to the surface.
Birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin which are hormones that are naturally produced by women’s bodies but just in different amounts to stop ovulation. At the same time it also lowers testosterone which is an androgen (male sex hormone) which causes acne because it increases sebum or oil production.
Even though birth control is effective at controlling acne unfortunately they can make you gain body fat in a few ways. Estrogen and progestin cause fluid retention which will make us hold water throughout our body. This gain can be temporary as we can take diuretics which flush out excess water from our body. It is also advised to watch your sodium intake as sodium can make us bloated.
Pills with progestin as the dominant hormone may cause permanent gain in body fat as it can increase appetite and make us over-eat. Many times there are negative side effects that come along with taking birth control pills like depression which may also cause unnecessary snacking.
We should always be mindful of our diet especially when taking birth control pills. Sugar, high-glycemic carbs, and dairy not only cause breakouts but will cause us to gain weight over time as well. Instead we should eat a diet including green vegetables, low-glycemic carbohydrates like quinoa, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal, as well as switching to unsweetened almond or coconut milk from cow’s milk.

Can Acne Antibiotics Cause Weight Gain?


Acne antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor as they are synthetic medications for treating severe bacterial acne infections.
These treatments are commonly used after all other options have been exhausted but do not provide permanent relief and acne will reoccur in the future as they kill important bacteria in your gut which is necessary for the prevention of breakouts.
do antibiotics cause weight gain
The important bacteria called “gut flora” is destroyed when we take antibiotics and low levels of gut flora, specifically Bifidobacterium, has been linked to skin issues like eczema. A study has also shown that this bacteria helped reduce weight in obese rats.
These gut flora have effects on our blood sugar levels, how we store fat, and controls the hormones that allow us to feel full and which when not functioning properly can cause us to become fat.

Are There Natural Alternative Treatments for Acne That Do Not Cause Weight Gain?


natural supplements for acne

Does Acnetame Make You Gain Weight?


This OTC acne treatment is mix of natural vitamins, minerals, and amino acid which are extremely effective for treating acne and also do not cause an increase in body fat. These ingredients work synergistically to reduce oil production, inflammation, and redness in existing blemishes while preventing new breakouts from appearing.

Among these ingredients are vitamins A, B5, and B3 which are necessary for reducing oil production and unclogging pores. Many times we do not receive enough of these nutrients through our diet to help our skin which is why Acnetame can be a very effective supplement for those who are suffering from pimples.
One ingredient specifically called Selenium may aid in fat loss as selenium is a natural thyroid booster which regulates our metabolism. It helps promote healthy skin as it is an antioxidants, adds elasticity, and reduces inflammation.
otc acne pills
Another ingredient in this acne pill called N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) helps with pimples and weight loss as it is a natural form of sulfur which is a powerful detoxifier that helps our liver remove waste and harmful toxins to prevent build up of clogged pores.
As a weight loss supplement, NAC has been shown to help with building muscle which consequently burns fat when having a disciplined workout routine and diet. It is also known to help stabilize our insulin which plays a role in weight loss or weight gain as when our blood sugar levels fluctuate we can experience fatigue and feel like over-eating to get our energy back.
We can stabilize our blood sugar by eating foods like nuts and whole grains as they contain fiber which will prevent these insulin spikes.

Fish Oil for Acne and Weight Loss


Fish oil is an omega-3 essential fat which is literally essential for our body to function properly. Many people lack this important fat in their diet which causes side effects such as fatigue and increased body fat as well as dry, acne-prone skin.


fish oil for weight loss


This omega-3 helps prevent acne by regulating our hormones. When our body is not balanced we can feel a number of things; we may have mood swings, feel hungry all the time and not get enough sleep (just to name a few); which all effect our skin health in a negative way.


Fish oil is an anti-inflammatory which may help reduce redness in existing blemishes and pimples. Because acne is anti-inflammatory skin issue, fish oil may be very beneficial.  The omega-3s in fish oil have also been shown to reduce the amount of the molecule called leukotriene B4 which increases sebum production.


This essential fat can help maintain the number we see on the scale and even possibly help us lose weight as it boosts our thyroid hormones in our liver cells to burn fat. As mentioned earlier, our thyroid is what regulates our metabolism and if our metabolism isn’t up to par then we can easily gain weight and experience skin issues such as breakouts.




Herbs are very underused but are very effective for treating acne and preventing weight gain. Many of these herbs can be applied directly to the skin or by ingesting them through food but they also come in pill and capsule form as well.


Oregano Oil Used for Pimples


This herb has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which prevent bacteria from clogging our pores and causing breakouts. It is just an overall great herb to take for our skin and immune system.
There is an active ingredient in oregano oil called carvacrol and a new animal study shows that it aids in weight loss as it reduces the amount of white adipose tissue which is one of the two types of tissue found in mammals. White adipose tissue composes as much as 20% of the body weight in men and 25% of the body weight in women.

Is Aloe Vera Effective for Breakouts?


Aloe contains numerous enzymes, proteins, minerals, and amino acids including selenium which aid in weight loss and preventing acne. These nutrients have anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

As a detoxifier it cleans out our entire system by ridding of waste through our skin, bowel movements, liver, and lymph system. It contains fiber which helps keep our digestive system functioning properly by preventing bloat and regulating our bowel movements. When we retain water or haven’t gone to the bathroom we can see that the scale tells us a higher weight than what we really should be.


aloe vera for acne


It is most effective when you drink it but it also comes in capsule form which will give you the same benefits but you may have to take more at once. When taking aloe you want to make sure that it is the whole leaf aloe vera juice which will work faster and will have more benefits on our health.


Green Tea Helps to Lose Weight


green tea helps to lose weight


Green tea is a thermogenic meaning it increases the body’s temperature which burns fat. If you have ever drank green tea you may feel very warm which is it’s thermogenic effect. This is why it is contained in many weight loss pills.
It has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels which when not stable can cause Type II diabetes and weight gain.
Green tea also helps prevent breakouts as it contains antioxidants which protect skin cells from damage from free radicals. These antioxidants including Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), polyphenols and flavanoids kill bacteria that can cause pimples.

To Sum It Up


Depending on which acne treatment you choose you may experience weight gain. Some pills come with risks like birth control and antibiotics whereas natural treatments may be a safer and more effective option in the long-term.
All treatments affect people differently as we all have our own body chemistry so what works for one may not work for the other. We also need to take into consideration our specific skin type and acne type when considering a treatment.
This information is strictly for entertainment purposes only. You should always consult a doctor before taking any medication or supplement.

INFOGRAPHIC: Best Natural Acne Supplements

natural acne supplements

Are you struggling to find a hormonal acne treatment that works? This infographic shows how Acnetame is the best natural acne supplement and overall beneficial product for our skin.

natural acne supplements

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What is in OTC Natural Pills for Acne That Actually Work to Get Rid of Pimples?

herbal acne supplements


When we look for natural pills for acne we are actually looking for the main ingredients which actually work to get rid of pimples.


Use Herbs to Treat Acne and Pimples


herbal acne supplements

Herbs are very underused to treat blemishes but they are super powerful and have many benefits for our skin like reducing inflammation, fighting bacteria, and removing any dangerous toxins that can cause damage to our cells.

Aloe Vera

Aloe isn’t just used for sunburns as it is also used for treating zits. Aloe contains over 70 essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes that are necessary for the prevention of acne and even other skin issues like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.


basil for acne


Not only does basil add a nice taste to our dishes but did you know that basil has also been shown in studies to decrease pimples cause by bacteria? It has this effect because it is a blood purifier which helps our body get rid of toxins that can build up and cause damage or clog pores.

Other herbs that we can use to get rid of pimples:

  • garlic
  • oregano
  • dandelion root
  • dong quai
  • licorice root
  • green tea extract


Vitamins for Acne Free Skin


Vitamin A

We can obtain Vitamin A pretty easily through foods like colorful vegetables as they contain beta-carotene which turns into Vitamin A in our body. Of course any lack of these foods will result in breakouts.
Another way that Vitamin A helps prevent breakouts is by reducing the amount of sebum that is produced. Sebum is the oil that our skin produces from the sebaceous glands and when we have too much of it we can experience clogged pores.

vitamins for acneVitamin B5

Pantothenic acid also known as Vitamin B5 is another vitamin that helps us reduce the amount of oil that is produced from our glands. A Pubmed study found that those who took pantothenic acid had a decrease in blemish size and reduced inflammation.


This over the counter vitamin is used in many products as it helps prevents wrinkles. It has an antioxidant effect when used in conjunction with other vitamins and minerals. CO-Q10 has an effect on our blood sugar levels which helps stabilize them to prevent hormonal breakouts.

Are Minerals Good for Your Skin?

We can get important nutrients from the foods we eat including almonds, fish, and olive oil.

are minerals good for our skin


Selenium is a mineral that should be obtained for overall good health as it helps our skin, thyroid, immune system, and energy. It adds antioxidant properties to other enzymes in our body which help fight free radicals which can damage our skin.
One sign of deficiency in this mineral is itchy skin and rashes. When we do not receive enough of this micronutrient we can experience breakouts as well as we are not receiving the anti-inflammatory effects which selenium offers. If you have acne scars it may be a good idea to take selenium as well as it can help give elasticity to the skin.

Sulfur (NAC)

One may not think that sulfur is beneficial for our skin because it smells like rotten eggs but it is actually a very powerful detoxifier which is used as an ingredient in natural pills for acne in the form of N-Acetylcysteine.
NAC is an amino acid which contains sulfur that helps our body detoxify itself as it produces another amino acid called glutathione which aids in eliminating toxins. Our liver is the organ which filters out waste so if it is detoxing properly then the toxins have no choice but to come out of our skin.

Are Amino Acids Bad for Acne?

Amino acids like NAC are not bad for us at all as they are actually play an important role in getting rid of pimples as they help make up the structure of our skin.  There are 8 amino acids which are essential to our health but our body can not synthesize them or make them itself so we have to supplement it.

amino acids for healthy skinL-Lysine

L-Lysine is one of those essential amino acids that we need to receive in order to maintain proper skin health. Many times we do not obtain the correct amount of lysine which is how acne and other skin issues like rosacea can form.


This amino acids helps regulate our blood sugar levels and also helps our intestines work properly. Whatever we ingest will either positively or negatively affect how our skin appearance is. If we eat high-glycemic carbs and trans fat that will translate into pimples on our skin just as eating natural foods like vegetables will help reduce the amount of pimples on our skin. Studies have shown that this amino acids helps intestinal permeability which helps get rid of toxins and avoid infections.


Supplement Stack for Pimples

An acne supplement stack contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which work synergistically to increase the effectiveness of each ingredient to produce powerful results. One supplement stack that is a great example of this is Acnetame.
There are nine potent ingredients including Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B3, Chromium, Selenium, Piperine, NAC, Bitoin and CO-Q10 which all work together to reduce oily skin, existing blemishes, and inflammation. These are all symptoms of hormonal acne which is why Acnetame works so well at treating the root of the problem rather than just masking the symptoms.


Will Natural Acne Pills Get Rid of My Pimples?

These natural pills do not necessarily cure acne but may be very beneficial in prevewill natural acne pills help pimplesnting new blemishes and reducing inflammation in pimples that are already existing. Making changes to our diet and using these supplement pills can only be beneficial to our skin and overall health. Acne products that contain these vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs are a good thing to add to our acne fighting arsenal.

Is Acne Medication Safe During Breastfeeding and Pregnancy?

acne during pregnancy


During and after pregnancy a woman has various different hormone fluctuations going on in her body which can cause side effects like acne. There are many different safe acne medications available for preventing and getting rid of these hormonal pimples during pregnancy and breastfeeding but women need to be aware of what they are putting into or onto their bodies as it may negatively effect their baby and themselves as well.


acne during pregnancy


Let’s take a look at the acne medicines that should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



Accutane is a synthetic retinoid which is a form of Vitamin A that is taken orally to treat severe and cystic acne. This acne medication should never be taken by pregnant women as it has been known to cause birth defects even when taken in small amounts. Some of these birth defects include mental disabilities, facial abnormalities, and heart defects.


According to the CDC, a 22 year old woman had taken Accutane (also known as isotretinoin) for 8 days when she was 4-6 weeks pregnant but stopped taking it after learning she was pregnant. When the baby was born it had many different defects and died 28 days later.


Because this drug has very serious side effects it may not be best to not take this pimple medication during breastfeeding. There had been a case of a women who developed discharge from her nipple after 5 and a half months of using isotretinoin. After one month of stopping isotretinoin the discharge stopped but when the same dose was reintroduced the discharge came back within 10 days. This discharge is called “galactorrhea” and was most likely caused by the isotretinoin treatment.


iPledge Program

Before taking Isotretinoin, either male or female, you must register with the iPledge program to understand the risks of this drug as well as agree that no female patient can take it during pregnancy or if planning to become pregnant.


Topical Retinoids

Retinoids like Accutane come in topical form as well. Whatever we put in and on our body can effect our baby as it is very possible that these chemicals can pass through the bloodstream. There have been several cases stating that children who were exposed to topical retinoids experience similar defects to those who were exposed to oral retinoids so it is advised to avoid any kind of retinoid use.

topical retinoids pregnancy


Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a topical acne medication that helps relieve redness and get rid of dead skin cells. It can be taken orally or applied topically as it is found in many over the counter acne medicine creams but there is a risk of birth defects if taken when pregnant. It is a hazard for women who are breastfeeding as well as salicylic acid gets absorbed into the blood stream which can be passed to your baby.


What acne medications CAN we use?


Luckily acne during pregnancy and when breastfeeding is caused by hormones so it will eventually subside but in the meantime there are some acne medicines which are safer to use and come with less side effects. Everyone reacts to medications differently so always consult your doctor before using these over the counter pimple medicines.



Products containing sulfur are probably the best acne medicine on the market and safest way to treat hormonal pimples when pregnant and when breastfeeding. Sulfur has been used since ancient times to treat pimples, eczema, and psoriasis as it is a natural detoxifier and helps flush out waste from our kidneys. It comes in cream, ointment, soap, and supplement form and has different strengths. This nutrient is very commonly found in the best acne treatment pills that are sold over the counter. Speak with your doctor about which strength is right for you.

OTC Topical Treatments


Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Benzoyl Peroxide are over the counter topical pimple treatments that are likely safe when used in very small amounts and at a low strength. There are studies still being done to prove that these are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding so make sure you speak with your doctor about any possible side effects.

Changing our diet can dramatically help our skin during these hormonal fluctuations so what vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are needed for pregnancy and breastfeeding?


A healthy diet should consist of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins but during pregnancy it is possible to be deficient in different nutrients which are lacking in the diet of the mother. Deficiency in some of these vitamins can be another reason why we break out.

healthy diet pregnancy

Many times important vitamins and minerals get destroyed during food refining processes so make sure the food you are eating is as close to it’s natural form as possible so you and your baby can get the correct amount of nutrients.

These nutrients are also found in over the counter acne vitamins as they are important for keeping our skin clear of blemishes. They help reduce inflammation, redness, and oily skin which are all symptoms of hormonal breakouts.


Nutrient Why it’s important for Pregnancy Foods it’s found in Recommended Dose
Vitamin A & Beta-Carotene (gives vegetables their pigment, converts into Vitamin A in the body) Helps bones and teeth grow Liver, eggs, carrots, spinach, green and yellow vegetables, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, yellow fruits, cantaloupe 770mcg
Vitamin D Helps body use calcium and phosphorus; promotes strong teeth and bones Fatty fish, sunshine, certain mushrooms 5mcg
Vitamin E Helps body form and use red blood cells and muscles Wheatgerm, nuts, spinach 15mg
Vitamin C Antioxidant that protects tissues from damage; helps absorb iron; boosts immune system Citrus fruits, bell peppers, green beans, strawberries, papaya, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes 80-85mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Increases energy levels and regulates nervous system Whole grain, eggs, rice, pasta, berries, nuts, legumes, pork 1.4mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Improves energy, eyesight, healthy skin Meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs 1.4mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Promotes healthy skin, nerves, and digestion High-protein foods, meats, fish, eggs, peanuts 18mg
Vitamin B6 (Pryidoxine) Helps form red blood cells; helps with morning sickness Chicken, fish, liver, pork, eggs, soybeans, carrots, cabbage, cantaloupe, peas, spinach, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, bananas, beans, broccoli, brown rice, oats, bran, peanuts, walnuts 1.9mg
Folic Acid/Folate Helps support the placenta, and prevents spina bifida (link) and other neural tube defects Oranges, strawberries, green leafy vegetables, spinach, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, beans, nuts 600mcg
Calcium Creates strong bones and teeth, helps prevent blood clots, helps muscles and nerves function Dairy, soy milk, dark green leafy vegetables, canned fish with bones 1,000-1,300 mg
Iron Helps in the production of hemoglobin; prevents anemia, low birth weight, and premature delivery beef, pork, dried beans, spinach, oatmeal 27 mg
Protein Aids in production of amino acids; repairs cells meal, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, legumes, nuts 71mg
Zinc Helps produce insulin and enzymes red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grain, dairy 11-12mg

Source: americanpregnancy.org


Prenatal & Breastfeeding Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins contain nutrients that are needed for a healthy pregnancy including iron, calcium, and folate. Breastfed babies have different requirements as some of these nutrients that are important for pregnancy may actually be harmful to them within the first year.

Breast milk is an excellent source of Vitamin A so breastfeeding is a great way to prevent deficiency in this vitamin. It is also recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for babies to receive Vitamin D supplementation if they do not get enough sunlight or if the mother is deficient in it. The recommended dose is 400 IU per day.


Hormonal acne breakouts are frustrating so using acne medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a good idea to help treat and prevent new breakouts. Some come with more risks than others so it is important to know which types are safe for you and your baby.

What are the Best Acne Treatment Pills for my Skin Type?

acne treatment pills


There are many pimple products out on the market but how do we know which are the best acne treatment pills for our specific type of acne? Whether natural or synthetic there are options for every skin type.

acne treatment pills

Sulfur tabs


What many people do not know is that sulfur is essential for our health. Among being able to control our insulin levels and keep the cells in our body healthy it also plays a role in how our skin looks and feels too as it aids in the production of a substance called keratin which is what makes up our skin and nails.
Unfortunately sulfur gets destroyed easily though food refining processes so many people may be deficient in this nutrient. If we have a sulfur deficiency it makes it harder for our body to fight free radicals which are toxins that attack our healthy cells and give us wrinkles and take the glow out of our skin.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is a natural form of sulfur which is also used in powerful over the counter acne pills as it is known for it’s detoxifying and antioxidant effects. Another interesting fact is that NAC is used to help prevent liver damage caused by acetaminophen overdose.

Vitamin Pimple Treatment


There are ways that we can fight these free radicals and that is by taking antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in foods and supplements that contain vitamins such as A, C, E, and selenium.
vitamins for acne
Vitamins are some of the best pills for acne treatment because they are effective for decreasing the amount of oil produced in our skin and reducing inflammation in blemishes. Also because over the counter vitamins are natural they have less side effects if any at all than prescription medications.

Essential Fats Supplement

Essential fats can be eaten but also taken in supplement form which makes them another treatment pill for our pimples. These fats are essential because we need them to sustain healthy brain, heart and joint function, as well as metabolism and clear skin.
essential fats for acne
Two of the best essential fat treatment pills for blemishes that we can take to keep pimples at bay are fish oil and evening primrose oil. Both of these fatty acids help regulate our hormones to prevent fluctuations that cause breakouts as well as regulate the amount of sebum our skin produces.
The look and feel of our skin even changes when we take these essential fats as they protect against early signs of aging like wrinkles are just an overall good supplement to take for our health.

Birth Control for Acne


Birth control is another pill for acne treatment as many times women experience hormonal fluctuations due to their menstrual cycle. All women naturally produce a low amount of androgens which are the male sex hormones however some women can have an over production of those male hormones which give symptoms like pimples and cysts.
There are FDA approved birth control pills approved for acne like Ortho Tri-Cyclen which contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone which lowers the amount of androgens being produced by the ovaries and therefore resulting in less sebum (oil from our skin) production and less cysts and pimples.

Isotretinoin (Accutane)


If all other acne treatment pills are unsuccessful then Isotetinoin may be prescribed by a doctor as it is effective at treating severe acne including cystic acne. This medication is actually a synthetic form of Vitamin A but too much of this vitamin can be liver toxic as it is a fat-soluble vitamin and does not get excreted out of the body like water-soluble vitamins.
Accutane may come with serious side effects in some people like dry mouth, nausea, and mood changes that may lead to depression and suicide. It is always best to try out natural and over the counter options before taking a strong prescription medication.
best treatment pills for acne

So which treatment is best for me?


These treatments may not work for some but work great for others, it all depends on your specific skin type and the kind of breakouts you are suffering from. Please consult a doctor before starting any treatment as information here is for entertainment purposes only.

INFOGRAPHIC: Acne Statistics in America

acne statistics in America


Acne is a skin condition which affects 40-50 million Americans.


It can be mild causing small pimples and blackheads or can be more severe causing cysts and eventually scarring.
Many people experience breakouts from their early teens and even into their 50s and can be caused by a few things including hormones, overproduction of oil also known as sebum from the skin’s oil glands, and dead skin cells that build up and clog pores.
Acne is considered a social taboo and makes people feel uncomfortable and self conscious in their own skin as depression has been reported in 11% of females who have acne.
There are many treatments for different types of pimples including over the counter acne treatment pills, prescription medications, and natural home remedies.
Take a look at this infographic showing more acne statistics in America.
acne statistics in America

How to Get Rid of White Bumps Under Eye – Causes and Treatments of Adult Milia

adult milia


Milia are tiny white bumps that are commonly found under the eyes and take what feels like an infinity to go away. It is important to know the cause of these bumps and what treatment is right for us whether we use an over the counter natural acne pill or stronger treatments like medications.


What is milia and who gets it?

adult milia

Milia is formed when a substance produced by the skin called Kertain gets trapped underneath the surface of the skin and forms a small white cyst. These white bumps usually form under the eyes but can also occur on the eyelids, cheeks, nose, and forehead.


These tiny bumps do not discriminate who it occurs in as adults can experience it and it is most common in infants who experience it about 50% of the time. They go away pretty quickly in infants but sometimes for adults they can take a few months or even longer to disappear. They are not itchy and does not hurt when you touch them.


What do milia spots look like?


Many times these small white bumps are mistaken for pimples but they are actually not pimples so they can not be treated the same way as we would treat breakouts. The reason why they are different from acne is that acne forms near the oil glands in our skin whereas milia usually forms around the eyes and not the oil glands.


There are two types which adults can get – Primary and Secondary.


Primary is when skin cells do not exfoliate properly and keratin is trapped underneath the skin. This is the type that infants get.


Secondary looks similar to primary however it has a different cause. It occurs when someone has a skin condition that leads to blistering and burns due to clogged sweat pores. Sun damage and long-term use of steroid creams can cause secondary milia as well.


How can we get rid of it?

tiny white bumps under eye


The tiny white bumps under our eye usually go away on it’s own but sometimes can last longer than expected which is when we want to try different treatments like natural acne pills and topical medications.


  • Avoid using cosmetics or beauty products that can clog pores. Non-comedogenic products will not clog pores.
  • Clean our face with warm water and a soft towel.
  • Protect our skin from the sun.
  • Use home remedies including:
    • apple cider vinegar
    • astringents like citrus fruits
    • antioxidants like honey
    • natural herbs and essential oils like aloe vera, tea tree oil, and oregano oil

supplements for milia

  • Supplementation & natural acne pills
  • Retinol is a form of Vitamin A which is used in many anti-aging creams and acne products that can also help treat milia. It is not recommended to apply it on our eyelids as it can cause damage and irritation if it gets in our eyes.

What are some ways you have eliminated your milia? Did you wait for the bumps to go away or did you use an over the counter treatment? Would love to hear your comments!